[LOS ANGELES] PRINCE OF ALL CATS - The Washington Post, January 1st, 1905
From the Los Angeles Herald: The only $3,000 cat in the United States has come to live in Los Angeles. Three thousand dollars for one cat seems a high price for any person to pay when back yards are full of Tommies and Tabbies willing to become household pets, but Royal Norton, the famous Angora, is quite different from plebeian cats. He is an aristocrat to the tips of his polished claws.

Royal Norton is owned by Mrs. Leland Norton, the most noted cat fancier in the country, who brought him here recently from Chicago. This distinguished Angora, the most valuable cat in the world, is American bred from pure Persian or Angora stock, and has been pronounced by such English judges of high repute as T. Farrer Rackham to be an absolutely perfect creature of his kind. He pays his mistress a royalty of 20 per cent on his value, or $600 a year, in the sale of his offspring, the kittens selling readily at $100 each. He is royal in proportions as well as name, comparing in size to a medium Spitz dog. He is pure white and he strides around with royal tread, sporting an enormous bushy tail and long, silky hair that almost brushes the ground when he walks. When he left Chicago in the early autumn he had on his summer coat, which the mild California climate has not compelled him to change for a winter one nor to show the best he can do in deep, heavy fur and spread of tail.

Red Diana is another beautiful big Angora Mrs. Norton has brought to Los Angeles. She is of a bay horse red, a color probably never seen here before in the fine cat stock. She could not be bought for $500, so highly is she prized by her owner.

Mrs. Leland Norton, the owner of the famous cats, has become a resident of Los Angeles. She was the founder of the Chicago Cat Club. Mrs Norton imports Angoras from Persia, Turkey, and India, from the latter country she brought a pair of fine black Persians, Mascot and Bessie, now owned in California. Her special aim in breeding has been for the genuine, rare French red. Persians and Angoras are practically the same and may be of any color. American-bred stock is superior to that of England, Mrs Norton says, as the English inbreed too much, aiming for color more than quality. High-bred cats, she maintains, are no more tender and difficult to raise than short-haired animals, unless they are made so by the treatment they receive.

Royal Norton and his companions are fed cream and perfectly fresh raw meat, or kidney, twice a day, and are given all they want to eat. They are not coddled in the least, nor allowed to lie around in the house

CRAZE FOR CHINCHILLA CATS. The Daily Deadwood Pioneer Times, 1st January 1905
Chinchilla cats are the newest society pets, the craze for them coming direct from London, where a particularly beautiful specimen owned by Lady Decies recently won the blue ribbon in a class of 550 In the National Cat club show, says the New York Press. This variety of feline aristocrat is more magnificent even than the Persian, having long, silky, snowy hair, a face of extraordinary intelligence and a tall more Iuxurious than that of a Laverach setter. Fulmer Zaida, Lady Decies prize winner, is valued at $5,000 by experts, but the proud owner after her pet s triumph said she wouldn t take twice that sum for the dainty tabby [female cat]. Mrs. Van Rensselaer Kennedy has a pair of fine chinchillas in her country house in Hempstead, N. Y., that will be entered at the next show in the United States, and Mrs. Sidney Dillon Ripley is awaiting eagerly the arrival of a couple of kittens of the same breed from across the water. A fine tom, half brother to the British champion, is on the way.

Factions Threaten to Disrupt Atlantic Cat Club, Whose Show It Is.

There are two factors which may shape the destinies of the Atlantic Cat Club to new issues in the future. One of these is the growing interest of Mrs Hofstra in the philanthropical side of cats and in what are described by the public as common cats. This has led her to consent to serve the Bide-a-Wee Club as a vice-president.

The other is the divergence of opinion which has appeared among the members of the club and bids fair to make the annual dinner and meeting at the Hotel Martha Washington to-night especially interesting. One party feels aggrieved with the management, but Dr. Ottolengui, the secretary, against whom its criticisms seem to be directed, has the support of the other officers and the most influential element in the club, and it is regarded as unlikely that he will be displaced.

There are no two ways about it, but Dr Ottolengui has just made this club, said a prominent member. The club will certainly suffer for it if it is silly enough to drop him from the secretary-ship.

Atlantic Cat Club Upholds the Doctor Against the Lady. Mrs. Church is Expelled

Dissensions in the ranks of the Atlantic Cat Club, whose third annual exhibition in connection with the show of the New York Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Association in the Madison Square Garden finally resulted in the expulsion from membership in the club of Mrs. Ashley Church of Canton, N.Y., a prominent breeder and exhibitor of cats and owner of the prize winner "Jack Frost. Although the club is very successful, there is considerable factional feeling among the members, with Dr. R. Ottolengui, the Secretary, as the pivotal point. Some of the members have contended that the doctor is too partisan in his activity, while his backers contend the opposite. The matter was warmly discussed at the annual meeting on Thursday evening, and although Dr. Ottolengui was re-elected Secretary, the subject was still such a warm one that another meeting of the club was called for early last night, and at this meeting the matter of supporting Dr. Ottolengui came up again. The leader of the faction which opposed Dr. Ottolengui was Mrs. Ashley Church of Canton, N.Y., who had charged Dr. Ottolengui with having withheld ballots in the selection of judges, resulting in the appointment of Mr Vidal, one of the judges who she charged is incompetent. In consequence, Mrs. Church although she exhibited Jack frost, her famous prize-winning Chinchilla cat, would not allow him to he entered for competition, she alleging that he would not be fairly judged.

The meeting specially called last night was for the purpose of deciding this matter, which threatened to disrupt the club. Mrs Church, every time Dr. Ottolengui came into the room, would leave it. Finally, when Mrs. Church was out of the room, Dr. Ottolengui arose and alleged he had been maligned. He spoke with his voice breaking with emotion, said that he devoted his time and money to the good of the felines because of his love for them. His speech called the members up in arms to his defense, and a motion was made that Mrs. Church be expelled from membership in the club. This was unanimously adopted, and Mrs. Church was thereby expelled from membership. Besides this matter the club decided unanimously to increase the number of special prizes next year, and to make the cash prizes larger. They also discussed the feasibility of having members of other clubs, such as the Beresford Cat Club of Washington, D.C., and the Stamford Cat Club compete, but this was not definitely decided upon.

The Cat Club, at its annual meeting and dinner on Thursday evening, at the Martha Washington Hotel, decided that at next year s show the cats will be exhibited for five days, instead of for three days, as was the case this year. On the first two days the kittens will also be shown, and then they will be taken out, and the rest of the exhibition given over to the cats. The officers elected for 1905 were as follows: President, Mrs. W.F. Hofstra, Jempstead, L.I.; Secretary, Dr. R. Ottolengui, New York; Treasurer, George E. Rowland, Jersey City; Recording Secretary, Miss Champion, West New Brighton, Staten Island.

[. . .] members of the Cat Club, in the annual election held last night. The pussies didn't fight at all, but the fur flew when the men and women of the club got together to elect their officers. The fighting and clawing started over the candidacy of Dr. Ottolengui, who has been the club s secretary for several years. The secretary has devoted himself to the cats of New York, and has been one of the most energetic workers in the club.

Mrs. Ashley Church led the fight against his re-election. She accused him of manipulating the ballots so that Mr. Vidal was illegally chosen as one of the judges. Mrs. Church says she would not have her prize-winning chinchilla, Jack Frost, judged by an incompetent judge, fraudulently elected, so she kept Jack out of the exhibition.

Mrs. Church lost her fight and the secretary was re-elected, but the bitterness of the contesting parties resulted in another meeting later on last night. When Dr. Ottolengui entered this meeting, Mrs. Church swept majestically out of the room. The secretary made a touching speech, telling how he had clung to the Cat Club, although offered salaried positions with other organizations. At the close of his address, Mrs. Church was expelled from the club by a unanimous vote.

[ROCHESTER] PERSIAN CATS Democrat and Chronicle, 25th January, 1905
Bitterne Chiffon lay in her cage at the cat show and dozed gracefully. James Conlisk of Gowanda, whose wife owns the thousand dollar cat, stood in the aisle nearby to see that nobody pulled Chiffon's tail, which tuck out through the bars. All I Know about cats, said Mr. Conlisk, a rosy cheeked old gentleman, is what I ve learned from my wife. Ever since she got the cat fad I ve been a busy man, with hardly time to hunt as many rabbits as I d like.

Yes, it's true that one of the fanciers at the show, s physician, offered Mrs, Conlisk $1,000 for Bitterne Chiffon, but she didn t care to part with her. We imported Chiffon a year ago last June from the catteries of Miss B. White Atkins in England. She s by Tintagel out of Silverene, both of celebrated Persian stock, and she s a grand cat, probably the best in America and perhaps the best in the world.

There are various kinds of Persian cats you hear them spoken of usually as Angoras and this one is a silver. To be more definite in the description, Chiffon is a chinchilla, very light in color. Her eyes are the really handsome thing about her. Wake up, there, Chiffon, and show your eyes!

Chiffon wouldn t do that, but she yawned and stretched, sticking her paws out between the bars. Mr. Conlisk, first making sure that Mrs. Conlisk was not about, took a pencil from his pocket and gave Chiffon a sly poke in the ribs. This had the effect desired. The cat glared out at her annoyer with eyes that were a wonderful bottle green and a mile deep. The pupils swelled in the glare of the lights.

She won at Crystal Palace, London, where they have some great cats, said Mr. Conlisk, and she won in New York and Washington last year. Then she s won all kinds of firsts at Rochester and other places, and, of course, she s been first at this show.

We have only four cats in the show, one younger than Chiffon winning in the juvenile class, but we have a lot of them at home. There s imported Bitterne Silver Chieftain, who s just about the same among cats as Hamburg among horses.

He's too old for show purposes, he s the grandsire of Jack Frost, one of the winners here now. He has emerald eyes. One of his kittens will bring $75 or so.

Are Persians hard to keep well?

"Not at all, Said Mr. Conlisk. They are comparatively hardy at least, mine are, for I let them have the run of the barn and they scamper about the fields. They are very good hunters.

The thought of a thousand dollar cat being: chased around the barnyard by a two dollar ki-yi was interesting, but Mr. Conlisk said that his dogs made friends with the cats.

And we don't have to wash them, although their long hair is likely to get soiled. They are very cleanly, and all they require is brushing.

ART EXHIBITION - Democrat and Chronicle, 2nd February, 1905
The exhibition, however, though one of the best in the history of the club, happened to occur at a very inopportune time, for, while it was being held in the Chamber of Commerce hall, grand opera was being presented during the last week at the Lyceum Theater. This interfered very much with the attendance at the art exhibition, as did the cat show which attracted many of our citizens.

[ROCHESTER] CLUB GETS MISS LOCKEHAVEN Democrat and Chronicle, 15th March, 1905
Miss Lockehaven was one of the chief topics discussed yesterday afternoon by members of the Lockehaven Cat Club when they met at the home of Mrs. E. L. Brace, Meigs street. Miss Lockehaven is a young cat of great beauty, for whom the club bargained but didn t get at the time of the cat show last fall. She was ordered from the Walnut Ridge Stock Farm in Massachusetts. She was promised by proprietors of the cattery there, which is one of the oldest in the country. Her attractions were extolled on the programmes for the show, on which she was described as the cat to be raffled off. The days passed on and the New England beauty did not appear. Another cat had to be purchased for the raffle. The case in which Miss Lockehaven was involved was placed in the hands of an attorney, who threatened a suit if the cat was not delivered to the club. This did the business; Miss Lockehaven has been sent to this city. She is a long-haired Angora with a white coat ornamented with blue markings, and a tail to excite the envy of all other Rochester cats. Her value is placed at $25. Her mission here is that for which she was originally engaged, to await the result of a raffle, for which tickets are' to be sold. Mrs. Brace gave the secretary s report ans Mrs. A. S. Sage that of the treasurer. Mrs Alfred Jackson, the president, was in the chair.

MAJOR IS DEAD. BLUE-EYED CAT THAT HAD BEEN PRIZE WINNER. The Oshkosh Northwestern, Wisconsin, 25th March 1905
Janesville, Wis., March 25. - Major, the blue eyed cat from Janesville which won first prize for class and optics [eyes] at the Milwaukee show last week, is dead in Chicago, and two legal actions. involving his possession before he departed this life are pending. The city of Janesville, which knew little of Major living, should not claim him dead. As a matter of fact he acquired residence here just a year ago last Christmas. His blue eyes first saw the light in the Dauphin cattery of Argyle Park, Chicago, which is the property of Miss Julia Welsh, assistant principal of the Hancock school in that city. Miss Welsh is a sister of Thomas E. Welsh, the well known Janesville leaf tobacco dealer, and taught in the high school before removing to Chicago. The annals of Major never would have been written and his identity would never have been known to the courts of law, had it not been for the eves of blue which he possessed in common with his three brothers and sisters. It was that soulful color which made him and got his owners into the public prints. For, as his Chicago biographer aptly states, 999 cats out of 1,000 have gray eyes, and the members of the Major family were therefore worth about 999 times as much as the plebeian, gray eyed members of the feline race. Miss Welsh gave Major to her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. E. Welsh, as a kitten, and Mrs. Welsh presented him to Mrs. Thomas Taylor, who, in turn, gave him to her mother, Mrs. H. W. Perrigo. Then, Miss Welsh bought him of Mrs. Perrigo for $30, and incorporated him, selling half the shares to Mrs. Lindsey A. Woodward, who owns a big Chicago cattery. Then he was taken to the Milwaukee cat show where he won first honors. His honors persuaded Mrs. Taylor, now of Des Moines, that her mother had sold him too cheaply and replevined him. He died in the hands of the constable, and, now Mrs. Woodward sues for the recovery of the amount she paid for her shares.

[ROCHESTER] RECEIVES MANY NEW MEMBERS Democrat and Chronicle, 13th April, 1905
Twenty-two new members of the Lockehaven Cat Club were reported at a meeting held Tuesday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Alfred Jackson, Meigs street. Among them are many cat fanciers and also several men and women prominent in the social life of the cities where they live. Two of the members are Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Snow, of Chicago. Mr. Snow is the general manager of all outside branches of the Armour Beef Company. He has contributed about $700 to the refuge for cats, in Palmyra, conducted by Editor Jones, of the Cat Journal. Mrs. Snow has promised a trophy for the cat show to be held In Rochester in November. Delegates were appointed to represent the club permanently in the American Cat Association, headquarters of which are in Chicago. They are Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. W. W. Brace, and Mrs. Snow, who is the resident delegate. The members discussed a proposed card party in May for the benefit of the club. Refreshments were served. The Lockehaven Club is the largest cat club in the United States, with the exception of the Beresford Club, which in is the oldest.

If a plan suggested by Miss Jane R. Cathcart, of Oradell, N.J., to exterminate the tramp cat is put into operation, Thomas will find his career as a prowler abruptly terminated. Miss Cathcart is a young woman of large means who owns the only stock farm in America devoted entirely to the breeding of short-haired cats. Despite the prevailing fad for Angoras, Persians and other varieties of long haired cats, she declares that she is interested in them only as she is a lover of all animals; that she is primarily interested in short haired cats and is the champion of the stray cat, because he needs friends most."

A talk by Miss Cathcart, who is visiting in Rochester, was the feature of a meeting or the Lockehaven Cat Club held yesterday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs, Alfred Jackson, in Meigs street. Miss Cathcart is a member of the club. In substance she said:

Humane societies in the large cities of the country are picking up stray cats in the streets. Cats multiply at the rate of four to every pair. The number that humane societies are able to care for or destroy can have but little effect on the increase so long as both sexes of cat are allowed to run the streets.

I come here as a sower of seed. The proposition I have to make is elementary in the extreme. It would rest with the club if it should take up my suggestion, to find the ways and means to carry it out. What I want to propose Is this: That one organisation in each city obtain legal control of all the cats in the town.

I suggest that this organization make the ownership of tom cats illegal except In the case of breeders, who would carefully guard them. I suggest that the breeders be licensed and be obliged to pay for their licenses, the money going to the organization having charge of the cats in the city, and that the organization issue a register of the names of the breeders licensed. I also propose that the organization have the authority to confiscate male cats found running at large and keep them a certain length of time in which they may be redeemed by the owners on payment of a fee."

As a result of the action taken by the Lockehaven Club after Miss Cathcart s talk, the club is the first in the world to take steps relative to a movement for the extermination of the stray cat. These persons were appointed a committee to see what can be done in this city or this state toward such a work as Miss Catbcart proposed: Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, chairman; Mrs. W. W. Armstrong Mrs. Andrew Ludolph, Mrs. K. L. Stoddard and Mrs. Mary S. Sage. The committee s first step will be to learn what power the club can obtain legally. When this has been done, the members say they will begin work immediately.

Miss Cathcart is having an automobile built expressly for carrying her cats and her manager from one city to another where shows are held. The auto will accommodate sixteen cats. She will exhibit eight or ten of her own in the shows the coming season, entering them in every show that is to take place after September 1st. She says the remaining six or eight cages in her automobile may be rented by persons wishing to send cats to the shows. One cage, at least, was spoken for at the meeting yesterday. Miss Cathcart owns a cattery in England and one In France. She also has in France a kennel for a pure breed of black poodles. She has brought some valuable short-haired cats from Europe to her farm in New Jersey. She says she has "cats with long prize lists and no pedigrees and cats with both prize lists and long pedigrees. Among her famous pets are Champion Belle Bradford, an orange tabby that came from England; Pressie and Lady Ann. both black; Moumouette, a blue tortoise[shell], from France, and Buster Brown, an American smoke cat.

Since coming to Rochester Miss Cathcart has purchased of Mrs. Mary S. Sage Raffles and Pollypop. Miss Cathcart has been the guest for a few days of Mrs. Brace. To-day she goes to the home of the Misses Van Voorhis.

The Lockehaven Cat Club is the second largest in this country. Yesterday it reveived five new members, making its total membership 110. The club has already received more than one hundred "specials for the show it is to hold in November. Mrs. L.H. Bixby, of Chicago, has offered a cup for the finest blue cats. A special meeting has been called for the evening of July 22d, at 8 o'clock, at which time the club will be addressed by Dr R Otto Lenguy [Ottolengui] of New York, secretary for the Atlantic Cat Club. He will consult the members of the Lockehaven Club regarding the coming show.

A cat show will be held in Toronto the last two days or August and the first three days in September. Many members of the club are planning to attend. Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Brace. M
Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Urquhart, Mrs. Sage and the Misses Perrin, of St. Paul street, as well as others, expect to go.

Mrs. W. K Stone yesterday reported for the Euchre Party Committee. The party held on July 1st was a financial as well as social success.

>A score of cat fanciers, members of the Lockehaven Cat Club, met last night at the home of Mrs Alfred Jackson, No. 143 Meigs street, to listen to an address by Dr. R. Ottolengui, a fancier and secretary of the Atlantic Cat Club of New York. This club is the third largest in America; the Chicago Cat Club ranks first and the Lockehaven Club of this city is second with 110 members. The local club is a member of the American Cat Association, whose president is W. R. Goodwin, Jr., of Napiersville, Ill. This cat association and its rules for classifying and award, as well as its constitution and management, were scored by Dr. Ottolengui, who said President Goodwin didn t know anything about cats, being the editor of the Breeders' Gazette, journal devoted to cattle, swine, sheep and horses and that the rules formulated by his committee were all right for pigs and cattle, but not for cats. In this he was supported by C.H. Jones, of Palmyra, editor of the Cat Journal. Mr. Jones said that the local club would hold a large- show this fall.

Dr. Ottolengui is on his way to Buffalo to attend a dentists convention. He is prominent in his profession and the editor of a dentists magazine. He said the reason for the cat fancy in this country sprang from desire for recreation and love of animals. He said that the cat, while too dignified to permit familiarities, was nevertheless an affectionate and loveable creature. He said that the dog caressed its master by licking the hand, but the self-respecting cat caressed itself by rubbing against its owner s leg.

The speaker maintained that the cat fancy was a means of providing income to women, and said that in England love of cats was far more widespread than here. He declared that there were people in New York who do not know of the existence of a Persian cat. He complained that the press did not give cat fanciers and their exhibitions sufficient publicity. He said that what was necessary was to make the possession of fine cats fashionable and that this would help the cat breeding industry. He cited the bicycle craze with its millions of profits for manufacturers as proof.

Dr. Ottolengui urged the members to exhibit their cats at the New York show. He said that a large show of such magni-tude as to be an important item for the press would be a great stride in making cat raising more respected and profitable throughout the country. He told the members not to sell their cats at modest prices. He said there was a fine field for the breeders of short-haired cats. He said that there was nothing to a long-haired cat but its fur while the short-haired cats had the feline grace of movement and the muscular movement of the tiger.

Once more he declared that the cat industry would not attain its fullest development until a big showing was made in the metropolis, and pleaded with the members of the local club to send a cat, even if it had no show to win a prize, that the show might be notable for numbers, and the populace might have plenty of cats to look at and think they were getting their money's worth.

Dr. Ottolengui declared that much might be done by a large entry to the local show in the fall. The papers would help out of friendship. In the metropolis it was difficult to get space for a cat show.

The most Interesting part of the doctor s address was his criticism of the American Cat Association. This organisation was formed a year ago to comply with the conditions of the tariff law admitting duty-free animals for breeding purposes registered with an association in a stud book recognized by the national Department of Agriculture. This organization was formed on the lines of the American Kennel Association and was incorporated under the laws of Illinois. Dr. Ottolengui is indignant at this, because elections must be held in that state and because it was formed without the knowledge or advice of Eastern cat fanciers. Its rules, he said, were pig and cattle rules, and be cited several technical examples.

There are ten clubs in the association and of them the local club, the Washington club and the New York club object to the rules as to classification, facility of winning championships at small and poorly attended shows on a free-for-all open winner class and unrestrained power of the Executive Committee. Several other things in the management of the association and in the government regulations struck the speaker as ridiculous and unjust. He said that the president, Mr. Goodwin had been curt to him, when grievance had been discussed. He said that the registration fees were in many cases excessive and unequal.

For the benefit of members, the doctor stated the points that a good cat should have. A cat to be worthy of consideration should have a round head flat on the top and sides, eyes round and of standard color, low set short ears, short legs and short body, with a tail bushy and tapering to a point or, like an ostrich plume, parting in the center. The body should be thick and in the case of males and females that have had no kittens there should be a ruff about the neck. He said that a queen should not be mated until fully developed, or about two years, and that mating of young cats meant a big death rate of the kittens. He said that the tortoiseshell was a freak of the feminine gender, as there are no male tortoiseshells.

He told the system of prizes of the New York show and declared that it was a scientific method of simplifying the work of the judges. He gave a list of the various kinds of blooded cats and described each of them. It was an interesting instructive talk throughout and after it was over, the doctor answered many questions that had been puzzling members of the local club.

[MAINE COON CATS] POOR KITTY The Philadelphia Inquirer, 30th August 1905
For the household where pussie holds an honored place comes the following specific directions for her feeding. Mrs. Legg, a recent exhibitor of Coonie cats at the cat show, keeps a cattery in New Jersey, where she raises choice pussies for sale. She is exceedingly particular about their diet, never on any account allowing them to eat raw meat. The cats are allowed fish, soup occasionally, creamed potatoes every day for dinner and bread and milk or oatmeal and milk for supper and breakfast. They have never had fits or sickness of any kind, and are alert, graceful and handsome. She never washes them, but says where a cat is carefully fed and, therefore, in good, healthful condition they will see to keeping themselves daintily clean.

When members of the Lockehaven Cat Club met yesterday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Alfred Jackson, No. 143 Meigs street, they talked of preparations for the three days show to be held next month in Colonial Hall. It is expected that this exhibition will eclipse any ever witnessed in this part of the country. Letters offering prizes and specials are being constantly received by the secretary,

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace. The show will open at noon on the 14th and close at noon of the 17th. Champions of the cat world will be shown by fanciers scattered over a territory extending from the Atlantic Coast to Michigan and a part of Canada. There will be many valuable prizes.

A feature that will add to the social interest of the show will be a banquet to be held on the night of the 15th in the cafe of the Masonic Club. Dr. R. Ottolengui, of New York, will be toastmaster. The responses will be as follows: Lockehaven Cat Club, Mrs. Jackson; The Waif, C H Jones, of Palmyra, editor of the Cat Journal; Our Canadian Visitors, Archie Burland, of Grimsby, Ont.; The Cat Press, Mrs. Oliver L. Dosch, of Dayton, O., editor of the Cat Review; American Cat Association," Mrs. Charles Hampton Lane of Chicago; Long Haired Cat, Miss Ethel Champion, of Staten Island; Short-Haired Cat, Miss Jane R. Cathcart, of Oradell, N.J., her toast to be read by Mrs. Mary S. Sage, of Rochester. The banquet will be attended by the members of the club and out-of town visitors.

Five members to the club, already the second largest in America, were added yesterday. One is Madame Akabane, wife of the Japanese minister to Spain, who lives in Madrid. Madame Akabane has long taken a special interest, in cats and is a subscriber to the Cat Journal. The other new members were Mrs. Marion B. Moore, of West Trop, wife of a veterinary surgeon prominent in the East; Mrs. Dora B. Butts, of Albany; Mrs. Raiman Harris and Mrs. James G. Ardrey, of Rochester. Ella Wheeler Wilcox has been a member for some time. Mrs. Ardrey was made chairman of a committee to procure badges and ribbons.

Mrs. O' Toole, of Adrian, Mich., has offered a brown tabby, of which Gay Lord Quex and Bonnie are the parents, to be raffled off for the benefit of the club. An admission fee of ten cents will be charged for children. The club will not solicit advertisements for the catalogue, but will depend on the patronage of the public for money to defray expenses of the show. All patrons of the show will be mentioned in the catalogue and also their business, if they have one to be advertised. Children from the various orphan asylums will be admitted free to the show on certain mornings.

The recent death of Roger, the beautiful Persian Silver owned by the Misses Perrin, of St. Paul street, is a cause of regret among members of the club. Roger was valued at $1,000. He was the son of Tintagel and grandson of Lord Southampton. He had won many prizes. He had been shown in New York and in Chicago.

Rolly Polly, one of Mrs Mary S. Sage s pets, has received a medal from the Royal Canadian Cat Club for being the best solid colored short-haired cat exhibited in the recent cat show in Toronto.

Champion Tortie Diana Fawe, who this year won at the New York cat show the award for the best female cat in the show, and with it the right to claim the title of queen of American catdom, makes her home in private life with Mrs Alice G. Brown of Melrose. She is a tortoiseshell Persian bred in England, where she began collecting championships. before coming to this country. She is six years old and weighs 11-and-a-half pounds. At Mrs Brown's home, 99 Crescent av, Tortie holds undisputed sway, and, to a certain degree the domestic routine of the household revolves about her majesty.

Tortie reciprocates the affection that is lavished upon her, though just at this time her affections are divided between the members of the household and her more immediate family, which consists of three diminutive kittens, one marked like her royal mother, and two more each deep orange in complexion. Tortie is kept constantly on the move between her own darkened nursery and the living room of the house, striving to do equal justice to all.

One of the secrets of Tortie's success with the unemotional judges at the cat shows lies in her wonderful coat. It is black, red and yellow, with the colors clearly defined in patches, and not blending together, as often happens, with a resulting brindled effect. Tortie has no white in her coat, thought at New York she took-the first prize in her own class and also the silver medal in competition with the winner in the class for tortoiseshell and white. Her winning of the prize for the best female cat in the show this year was the third performance of the sort since her arrival in America. Twice she has won in New York and once in Rochester. In the catalogs of the shows where it is required that a value be placed upon the animals exhibited, Mrs Brown has entered $2500 after Tortie's name. This valuation, however, is purely arbitrary, for her mistress says that Tortie is not for sale.

Tortie s surname of Fawe tells to the student of cat genealogy her kinship with the famous strain of English champions. Her father is sitd to be the sire of all the black cats now holding championships in England. Tortie herself is sustaining the family reputation for the transmission of good qualities, for among the winners at New York were one of her sons and a grandson.

In her home life her mistress says that her disposition is all that could be desired, She is very fond of children, and if she succeeds in getting out of doors she is likely to be found, with the nearest group of young folk. It is not to be inferred from this that Tortie ever runs away. She has far too much self-respect and conscious dignity to do anything -hurriedly, much less surreptitiously. If a door were left open she might walk out, but to scuttle out after the manner of an every-day tabby would never occur to her. For her dignity and seeming consciousness of her social position are at the basis of iher character.

Another marked trait is her preference for the society of men, When visitors are at the house, Torties always comes into the room to convey the assurance of her high consideration, bit to the women her advances are purely formal if there is also a man present to whom she can go and present herself sedately in his lap. And though it is generally conceded that men are among the less ardent admirers of cats in general, the man has yet to be found who does not welcome the advances of this fluffy mass of black and orange and yellow.

[MINNEAPOLIS] SUIT IS BROUGHT FOR THREE ANGORA CATS The Minneapolis Journal, 30th October, 1905
Ida Mabel Rolf, an Angora cat fancier of Milwaukee, has begun suit in the municipal civil court against Mrs, Abbie Bryant, 3032 Hennepin avenue, to get three Angora kittens now in her possession. Miss Rolf alleges that thru some mistake Mrs. Bryant obtained possession of the animals during the cat show here last fall. The pets were sent there from Milwaukee and were taken to a studio to be photographed. She says she did not see the kittens after that, and being unable to get them back, brought suit. Judge Waite is hearing the case.

If results are in accordance with preparations, Lockehaven Cat club will next week hold one of the best exhibitions ever seen on the continent. It is said that this club is the only cat club in America that conducts exhibitions independent of other organisations. The Atlantic and the Beresford clubs, two of the largest, always hold their shows in connection with a poultry exhibition.

The show will be opened Tuesday noon in Colonial Hall and continue until Friday noon. It is impossible to tell yet how many entries there will be, because they are all the time arriving. Mrs. Elisabeth L. Brace, the secretary, yesterday morning received nineteen entries. Many fine prizes are offered. These are divided equally between the short-haired and the long-haired cats.

At a meeting held yesterday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Alfred Jackson, No. 113 Meigs street, plans for the banquet to be held Wednesday night at the Masonic club were discussed. Among the out-of-town guests will be celebrated fanciers and also persons prominent in other respects. Dr. R. Uttolengui, of New York, who is to be toastmaster, is the author of various novels. There will also be present Mrs. Ottolengui, Mrs. Champion and daughters, of Staten Island, whose cattery is said to contain the best cats in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, W.H. and Mrs. R. Hardy of Pittsburg; Mr. and Mrs. James Coulisk, of Gowanda; Mrs. L.A. Woodward, or Chicago; Mrs. D.B. Smith, of Cleveland; George Cairns, of Mansfield, Ohio; Miss Ava Pollard, of Elizabeth, N.J., owner of Purity, the best white Persian cat in the world; Mrs. G.B. Brayton and Mrs. J.L. Bryne of Boston;
Mrs. Frank L. Norton, of Cazenovia. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, who is a member of the club, though not expected to be present, will probably send a contribution from her pen that will add to the programme.

Fifteen new members were reported yesterday, gained since the last meeting - Miss C.G. Ewen and Miss Mary Carroll, of New York; Mrs Oliver L. Dosch of Dayton, O., editor of the Cat Review; Mrs. Edward Greene of Ionia; Mrs. Gertrude Taylor of Buffalo; Mrs. George H. Burfee, of Philadelphia; Mrs Willard R. Voree and Mrs. D.B. Smith, of Cleveland, Mrs. C. Edwin Folsom of West Medford, Mass; Herbert M. Strout, manager of Miss Jane R. Cathcart's cattery in Oradell, N. J.; Mrs. F. L. Norton, of Cazenovia; Mrs. J. T. Clark of Mendon; Lady Rachel Byng, of Wrotham Park, Barnet, Herts., England; Mrs. F.C. Whitney of Cottage street, Rochester, and A. Howard Johnson of Rochester.

Information recently received from the secretary of the American Cat Asociation makes the club believe that it has gained a great point in inducing the national organization to change one of uts rules. The Lockehaven and the Atlantic clubs have been eager to get the privilege of omitting from its shows the winners class. The reason for this is that a cat may be exhibited in one show, win a championship for being the best cat in the show and still be beaten the next time it is shown. The Atlantic and Lockehaven fanciers argue, a cat should not be termed a champion because it has taken a prize for being best in one show. The Rochester Club has been notified that it may drop from its list any class it likes.

Mrs Brace, secretary of the Lockehaven club, returned from a trip in which she saw some of the finest catteries in the United States. In company with Miss Cathcart of Oradell, she first went to Rome, Mich., where they saw the one owned by Mrs. W.M. Chapman. This woman is so successful with her cattery that she realizes hundreds of dollars a year from it, Mrs Grace says Mrs. Chapman now has twenty live kittens that have all been bargained for. This cattery is famous and is one of the largest In the West. The arrangement of the home of the high-bred pets is complete. Each family of cats has its own apartments where the kittens live with their parents until they are old enough to be placed in the general cattery. Each king cat has a den where he reigns supreme. The rooms, which are about six feet in height, are provided with cushions, pictures, etc., in order that the eats may be accustomed to home-like surroundings. Orange, brown and black are the only colored cats raised in this home.

From Rome, Mrs Brace went to Cleveland. In the latter part of January Mrs. Brace will conduct a show in that city for the Cleveland Cat club. The members devote their energies chiefly to the housing of stray cats. The proceeds of the proposed show will go toward founding a refuge. While waiting for this to be done a number of women are giving the attention to stray cats that in most places is only bestowed on cats procured for pets. Mrs. D.B. Smith, one member of the club, is caring for sixteen to twenty of the wanderers all the time. Another Cleveland woman has appropriated her barn for a cattery, where the waifs live in different rooms. Since the Lockehaven club was incorporated he Cleve land club has followed its example.

In Dayton, O., the next city visited, Mrs. Brace was entertained by Mrs. Laura Zehring Dosch, editor of the Cat Review. Mrs. Dosch is to be one of the judges at the Rochester show. She raises nothing but silver cats in her famous Stillwater Cattery.

In Oradell, N.J. the home of Miss Cathcart, Mrs. Brace had the most delightful visit of her journey. Miss Cathcart entertained some forty guests at a housewarming in honor of the opening of her cattery. Invitations had been sent to all prominent fanciers in the country. Many well-known cat people of the East were there. Western New York was represented by Mrs. Brace and C.H. Jones of Palmyra, editor of the Cat Journal. Miss Cathcart is an heiress of many millions and occupies a palatial home on a farm outside the town of Oradell. This dwelling has all the appointments of a modern city mansion. Surrounding it are seventy-five acres of land devoted to what might be called a Paradise for Cats, which will be the title of an article describing it.

Mrs. Brace says that expense has not been spared in the equipping of Miss Cathcart s cattery. The floors are of concrete and the arrangements have been made with reference to perfect sanitation for the cats. Short-haired cats are the only kind Miss Cathcart raised. She takes the pets owned by people who are away from home for a time and boards them for $1 a week. Besides these, she shelters many waifs.

On the brow of a hill almost high enough to be a mountain, overlooking four counties, stands this ideal home for cats. Here live Buster Brown, the only smoke short-haired cat known in this country, and other prize winners. Outside the building are many long grassy runs. At intervals along the way sleeping houses have been provided, where the cats may stop and rest. These tiny houses, built with gabled roofs and front doors, stand high, that no dampness from the ground may reach them. At other points on the runs rustic ladders have been built for the cats to play on. When the cats are tired of these they run up tall posts surmounted by platforms, on which they may lie down. There are covered runs for stormy days, connected with the cattery. There is every device here to keep the life of the cats from being a weary blank."

Miss Cathcart has a manager and two assistants, who care for her pets. She has thirty present, besides twenty-three boarders. She has a cattery in France and a kennel.

After leaving Oradell, Mrs. Brace went over to Staten Island to visit the Argent Cattery of Mrs. P.E.J. Champion. The owner is an English woman who before she came to America four years ago conducted a cattery in England. She supports her family with the proceeds from the one she how has. All the cats here are silver or white. Among the most noted of them is Argent Puffy, a silver queen who never was beaten at a show where she was entered In England. Argent Splendor, a king, won first prize at the Madison Square show this fall. Puffy will be shown in the Rochester exhibition next month, and also Splendor, if he is in "trim." All Mrs. Champion s silver cats are descended from Lord Argent, a sire, the ancestor of 150 prize winners. He is related to all the best silvers in this country and England. Lord Argent has retired from the exciting life he once led when traveling from one show to another and now is now called The Old Gentleman." He Is 11 years old.

New-York has a new cat club. It calls itself the New-York Cat Club, and is making its maiden bow at the poultry show now running at the Grand Central Palace. The new club is the offspring of the spirit of revolt. It is the child of disgruntlement. It is an organized kick over the traces on the part of certain members of the Atlantic Cat Club, who, disgusted at the way in which that organization is administered, have launched a new organization of their own.

At present the club, which was formed about two weeks ago for the purpose of exhibiting at the poultry show, after it was found that the Atlantic Cat Club would not exhibit, has only a temporary organization. Dr. H. K. Miller, of Harrison, N. J., and New-York, is president, and Dr. Isabel Church secretary. Sometime to-day, however, the twenty-five or so members will form a permanent organization for the purpose of holding future exhibitions.

It will be remembered by those who have followed the fortunes of the Atlantic Cat Club that last year's public exhibition of that organization was accompanied by considerable warmth of feeling on the part of some of the members. From the beginning great dissatisfaction was expressed in certain quarters at what was termed the arbitrary policy of Dr. R. Ottolengut, the secretary, and at the prominence which was given the exhibits of the champion catteries at Staten Island. It was said by the disgruntled ones that Mrs. Hofstra, of Hempstead, the president, was only a figurehead, from behind which Dr. Ottolengui and Mrs. Champion and her daughters dictated the policy of the club.

The friction finally became so acute that a special meeting was called for the purpose, so it was said afterward, of expelling the leader of the opposition, Dr. Isabel Church. Dr. Church, however, declined to consider herself expelled, maintaining that the meeting was an illegal one, and she Is one of the judges at the cat how at the Grand Central Palace.


Louis Wain Says He Considers Helping Cats a Step in Right Direction - Glad to Learn About 'Progressive Work in United States'

The plan of raising money by holding a large progressive euchre party was discussed by the Lockehaven Cat Club yesterday afternoon at its December meeting, held at the home of the president, Mrs. Alfred Jackson, No. 143 Meigs street. It was decided to hold the party on the night of December 28th at Teall s Hall. Two hundred and nine tickets are to be sold to persons who are friends of members of the club. At least six handsome prizes have been obtained. Mrs. Walter R. Stone,

Mrs. Andrew Ludolph, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. P.T. Luitwieler and Mrs. Clarence J. Browning are the committee on preparations. The club requests any of its friends who have not been asked to purchase tickets to procure them of Mrs. Stone at her home, No. 101 South Fitzhugh street.

These names had been added to the club s membership list since the last meeting: Miss McNall, Williamsburg, Pa.; Miss Eleanor L. Burritt, Washington; Mrs. Frye, Buffalo; Mrs. Noble, wife of Judge Conway Noble, Cleveland; Mrs D. B. Smith, Mrs. Willard Vorce and Mrs. W.E. Colburn, a noted fancier, Cleveland; Mrs. F Ronday, New York, and Mrs. J. T. Clarke, Mendon. There are now more than 170 members.

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary, read a letter from Louis Wain, a popular English artist. This man is a fancier of cats and cats often figure in his cartoons. Mr. Wain wrote: I am very glad always to get word about any progressive work in the United States, especially about cats, dogs or little children, because I think it would help to bind the two countries in a more united work, if we were more interested in each other s doings. The helping of cats is a big step in the right direction, as not only does it bring the cat exhibitor but also the cat lover, who is really generous to help, into harmonious working. It will then attract some brainy specialist, veterinary surgeons and doctors to take more interest in the study of the animal.

I wanted to initiate a system of boarding out cats with workingmen s families, but this requires a big organization and the reliable persons are not yet in sight who would take charge of the working. However, it may develop through a home, perhaps through Mrs. Jordon s Home, Jordon Cottage, in London, the best we have. The National Cat Club is slowly solidifying and by means or steady pressure forward all the catty elements are being drawn into the influence of the old club and we shall be a far greater club later on.

Our cats in England are developing rapidly because the breeds are split up among so many people, and therefore they are breeding out into wider families. Lady Decies has the only chinchilla. Mere it not that this cat wins everything we should only have had silvers and the chinchilla would have died out. Our long-haired whites are growing really grand and it is a great sight to see them in the shows. The great cats next to them, cats which are constantly big and beautiful, are the creams. The blues are growing all ways. One year they are undersized, the next, fine and big, but they are going to be the breed for size and quality in the future. There are finer cats about the streets often than in the shows. However, this will not always be so.

You will find that if you bring people together socially in connection with your charitable work - the cats home it will bring cups and prizes, especially if associated with the donors names. There are twenty who will help in this way to perhaps one who will exhibit.

I should very much like to know how your cats are progressing in the States generally the breeds you have done most with and those which are difficult; whether you have the grand Charan(?), stumpy, thick-set, thick-coated cat which is growing up in England. It has a coat like a rabbit, free of marking, tabby head and legs [i.e. the British Tick]. What cats have you characteristic of your country? If you can put me in touch with any of your literature dealing with these matters do not trouble to reply to all my questions."

A vote of thanks was accorded C.H. Jones, of Palmyra, editor of the Cat Journal, who has given the club about $25 worth of advertising. Mrs. Brace said that through her correspondence for the club she had learned that people from other places who visited the cat show reported it to be the best show ever held in America, not excepting shows in New York and Chicago.

[MINNEAPOLIS] ANGORA OPEN HOUSE - The Minneapolis Journal, 24th December, 1905
As there will be no cat show in connection with the poultry show this winter, a cordial invitation is extended to all who admire Angora cats to attend an open house at my residence, 3640 Lyndale avenue S, Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 27. I will have on exhibition the famous $1,000 Blue Eyed Bonnie Eddie, supported by his rival, Golden Eyed King Cotton, also Golden Eyed Mazie, Jet Black Capt. Bill, Red Ned and some 16 others, pet alligators and tropical birds. To lovers of cats this will be a treat, and the last chance to see these famous beauties until after my return with them from eastern shows. Come and bring the children - the more the merrier. Souvenir cards of Bonnie Eddie given each caller. Mrs. F. H. Williams, The Ramblers, 3640 Lyndale av S.

LOCKEHAVEN CLUB PRAISED Democrat and Chronicle, 10th January, 1906
Mrs. Alfred Jackson, president of the Lockehaven Cat Club, and Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary, have been in New York the past week attending the Atlantic Cat Club show. Mrs. Brace s Gentian, a blue cat, won two second prizes and one special. The officers were impressed with the reputation the Lockehaven club has gained. They were told by fanciers at the Atlantic exhibition that the Lockehaven show was the best conducted cat show they had ever attended. Members of other organizations asked the privilege of becoming members and were accepted. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Brace say guests of the Atlantic members were handsomely entertained. The women were at a dinner given for officers, judges and prominent fanciers. They were also entertained by Dr. R. Ottolengui, secretary of the Atlantic club, at a dinner and at a luncheon. Mrs. H.F. Hofstra, president of the club, gave a dinner.

What has now become of our metropolitan diversions would, if its advent were prophesied a decade of so ago, have been pronounced the product of a pipe dream. In all probability no honor would have been done to the man or woman who had said that we would some day hold cat shows just as we already held dog shows, and even ridicule might have been the prophet s portion. Our cat show came, however, and came to stay, and this year s exhibition was a very lively even, being still a topic of discussion in the many boudoirs where the feline is fostered by adoring femininity.

People interested are commenting on the coincidence that the author of the idea represented in the Anglo-Saxon cat show passed away just at the time when our exhibition was in full swing. Harrison Weir, the great English illustrator whose fame is so largely associated with his drawings of quadrupeds and birds, died while the voices of disputing women were raised high in alternate approval and condemnation of the judges verdict at the New York cat show, the idea of which we borrowed from those similar events in London that owe their existence to Weir. Paris, probably, was the cradle of cat shows, but for the English speaking world Harrison Weir originated them.

An exhibition of pet cats is one of the very best places where the rivalries of women-kind may be studied and their capacities for jealousy be gauged. The cat is credited with being a jealous creature, but what of the rancorous rivalries it is capable of promoting between its mistresses? Commend us to the New York cat show for an illustration. And the most serious result of this year s rivalries is the breach between our cat cultivators and those of Chicago caused by the decision of the judges. A Saratoga sample of fine breeding carried off the first prize for points, the animal s eyes, in particular, being adjudged superior to those of all his competitors. Thereupon a Mrs. Baker, from the Windy City, protested on behalf of her pet, whose eyes, she claimed, were without equal in the exhibition. At any other place than New York, she declared, such a cat would have received its due. But what was to be expected? It was a Chicago cat. Her unappreciated animal was shipped away from the ungrateful city while Mrs. Baker declared her decision not to compete again here. Shall we now look forward to seeing an example of Chicago magnanimity on the next occasion when our cat lovers make entries at a show there, or shall we act most wisely by refraining from courting reprisals, and make no entries at all? More than one feminine mind is pondering this question just now.

LOCKEHAVEN CAT CLUB WITHDRAWS FROM A.C.A. Democrat and Chronicle, 14th February, 1906
To Join Association to be Formed with Headquarters at New York Annual Election Held

At its annual meeting held yesterday afternoon at the home of the president, mrs. Alfred Jackson, No. 143 Meigs street, the Lockehaven Cat Club elected officers and considered whether it should withdraw from the American Cat Association and unite with a new association to be formed in the East. The officers elected are: President, Mrs. Jackson; vice-president, Mrs. Andrew Ludolph; second vice-president Mrs. Charles Mann; third vice-president, Mrs. Clarence J. Browning; secretary, Mrs. Elizabth L. Brace; treasurer, Mrs Mary S. Sage. The directors appointed are Mrs. Clinton Locke, of Chicago; Mrs. J. See Bain, of North Chatham; Mrs. J.L. Bryne, of Dorchester, Mass.; Mrs. William M. Chapman, of Romeo, Mich.; Mrs. Luella Hodges, of Pittsburg; Mrs. R. Ottolengui, of orange, N.J.; Mrs. Ione R. Owen, of Ithaca; Mrs. W.W. Armstrong, Mrs. J.M. Lee, Mrs P.G. Leuitweiler, Mrs. Walter b. Duffy, and Mrs. J.C. Urquhart, all of Rochester.

Every member present voted in favour of withdrawing for the American Cat Association. This is the fourth club to resign from the organization, the Atlantic, of New York, having been the first. The proposed new association will have its headquarters in New York, meetings being held in different cities, as the affiliated clubs wish. The American Cat Association always met in Chicago, and some of the Eastern clubs thought its regulations unfavourable for them. Mrs. James Conlisk, of Gowanda, vice-president of the Buffalo Cat Club, was at the meeting. She came to Rochester for the purpose of suggesting that the Lockehaven members hold their annual show in connection with those of the Buffalo Club, alternately in the two cities. It was decided that the Rochester fanciers will exhibit their pets next time in Buffalo.

A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Jackson for her hospitality in entertaining the club throughout the past year, which she has done almost every month. At her home the meetings have been like social gatherings. She expressed her gratitude for the honor the club had paid her in again making her its president. At the close of the meeting the hostess served refreshments.

The Southern California Cat Club has its troubles. Ever since the three-day exhibition of aristocratic felines at the Chutes Park in January, the air has teen laden with protests against the conduct of the show. Internal dissensions have threatened several times to assume an alarming attitude. In the end matters seemed to resolve themselves into a tempest in a teapot.

The club is presided over by Mrs. J. C. Girton of Florida street, and supporting it are such well-known women as Mrs. O H. Burbridge, Mrs. Fred Maier and others of the same standing in society. Many prominent cat owners and raisers from Los Angeles and the neighboring towns exhibited at the January show, and a gathering of certain dissatisfied ones has since been going about with large question marks on their countenances. Said they: Nine out of fourteen prizes were awarded to Mrs, Girton s cats, and why?

In the end It was proved last night to the satisfaction of those present - nine people, and all sympathizers with the Girton faction that the Girton kennels had really been awarded but six out of more than fifty prizes. Thirty-two of these prizes were solicited, it is said, by Mr. and Mrs Girton.

The principal interest in last night s meeting rested in a communication addressed by Mrs. George E. Meharry of Altadena to the secretary of the club. In this, Mrs. Meharry, as an exhibitor rather than as a member of the club, demanded that certain questions be answered.

The presence of outsiders was resented by some three or more of the nine members present, and some hesitancy was encountered when the reading of the letter was proposed. J. W. Searles, secretary of the club, expressed emphatically his belief that all business of the club be discussed before all members, and was preparing to leave in anger, when he was informed that the reading would proceed when outsiders were excluded.

At the close of the session Searles seemed well satisfied with the disposition of the letter, which was practically laid upon the table, since it was decided to invite the writer to meet with the club at any time, when her letter would be discussed. A special meeting was promised should she desire this.

Mrs. Meharry contended that the judges, Mrs, Elizabeth Knox and Mrs J. W. Clough of Chicago, were biased by Mrs. Girton, who was with them much of the time during the awarding of the prizes, and the writer hinted that they might have some friendly interest in the awards. She also seemed to believe that certain cats had been entered by the Girtons when they did not own them. The charges in whole were made light of by the members present, after considerable protest on the part of Mr. Girton.

Mrs. Girton maintains that it was necessary for her to go about with the judges to classify the cats, as there was no one else on hand to do it. She states also that she several times waived her right to awards in favor of others. She adds that certain cats which were believed to have been entered as hers were in truth entered as those of their rightful owners, Mrs. Fred Maier and Mrs George Utley, but that they were temporarily being cared for at her kennels, and so were sent with her cats to the show.

Mrs. Meharry was styled a falsifier by an angry individual, but others were more generous in admitting that Mrs, Meharry sincerely believed that certain rules of the National Cat Association of America, under which the club conducted its exhibit, wore transgressed by the Girtons. These also maintain that as Mrs. Meharry is an ardent cat lover, she has been sorely wounded by being forccd to accept something less than the highest awards.

Mrs Girton states that she entered a larger number of cats than she would [have] if the show had not needed her support, and the number she entered was but nine. Two prize cups have not yet been awarded, as Mrs Girton is not yet satisfied as to the intention of the donors of the cups regarding their disposition.

While Mrs. Girton was unanimously supported last evening, there are friends of hers who admit that it would have been wiser if she had refused to accompany the judges, and it probably would have been better if she had not entered cats for awards since she had a number of patrons who had competed. They maintain, however, that the brunt of the work in preparing the show was done by her, and that as long as she is in the business of raising cats, she had reason to give them as good a showing as possible.

[OHIO] VALUABLE CATS DIE Pittsburgh, Daily Post, 12th March, 1906.
As the result of a peculiar disease which made its appearance among the felines exhibited at the Cleveland cat show, held in the Ohio city recently, several Pittsburgh society women, ardent cat fanciers, have lost some very valuable animals. Already nine cats have died and others, becoming infected, are in the hands of a veterinarian who is doing everything possible to save their lives. The nine cats which died were valued at $1,125. As it were, the nine lives of the nine cats went out quickly.

Most of the animals won good prizes and were considered the most valuable of their kind in the country. A post-mortem examination has been made of six of the dead cats by Dr. Edward Martin, a veterinarian, of Liberty avenue and Thirty-second street, who is a specialist in the diseases of dogs and cats. The examination is not yet completed. The affliction is an intestinal disease of a very contagious nature and an extensive pathological examination is being conducted to determine if possible its exact nature and to discover some remedy.

Mrs. Richard Hardy, of Trevania avenue, Swissvale, one of the leading cat fanciers of the country and who owns some of the finest specimens of the feline tribe, lost five of her most valuable animals. They were of the Persian species, orange colored animals which carried off the highest honors at the Cleveland show. The five cats were valued at $500.

Mrs. William Hodges, of 444 Arabella street, Mt. Washington, lost a beautiful Silver Persian cat valued at $250 and two tabbies valued at $225. The Silver Persian feline won first prize at the show and was declared to be the most valuable cat in the country.

Mrs. Dr. J. M. McNall, of Wood street, Wilkinsburg, suffered the loss of a handsome tabby valued at $150. It was among the prize winners at Cleveland.

Other cats, some owned by these women and some by Pittsburghers, have become afflicted with the disease and are now in the hands of the veterinarian. Unless remedy is discovered soon, it is believed more valuable cats will die soon.

Associated with Dr. Martin, the veterinarian in whose charge the cats have been placed, are several Pittsburgh physicians, who have taken a great interest in t e case and are endeavoring to ferret out the exact cause of the disease. Every postmortem is attended by several physicians. Dr. Leteve, of the Pasteur department of the Mercy hospital, has been called in consultation and a thorough examination is now in progress.

The body of one of the cats was shipped last week to the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, where there are several professors who are considered experts on the disease of cats and dogs. A report from them is expected early this week.

When wealthy persons are willing to pay $1000 or more for a pet cat there would seem to be money in raising them for market. There is, at least Miss Ava L. Pollard, of West End, Elizabeth, N.J., is making her cat farm pay a handsome profit. It is one of the few genuine cat farms in this country. Indeed there are few in the world where such aristocratic, high-priced felines are born and bred. The cats upon Miss Pollard s farm are valued altogether at nearly $100,000. Reports of the last census shows that the average man in America possesses worldly goods worth 91,233.86. Miss Pollard has cats upon which she places a highly valuation than the wealth of the average man. For one cat she recently refused $1100, stating that she would not part with it for $2000. Another was sold not long since to Lady McLaren, of London, for $2800. Some time ago an eminent jurist of New Jersey, in determining a case before him, arrived at the conclusion that a baby was worth in cash to its parents, aside from any sentimental valuation, exactly the sum of $1.

One advantage Miss Pollard has found in her new industry is that the business is not controlled by a trust. Indeed, she is a little trust unto herself. What is more, many of her best customers, who come from all parts of the country, are wives and daughters of men who are ranked among trust magnates. They are rich, and do they care for a mere $1000 bill when they can exchange it for a cat all white and fuzzy, with two blue eyes, or one blue and one yellow eye with a string of blue ribbons its aristocratic lineage and cat show triumphs? The other day a wealthy woman and her daughter travelled all the way from Chicago to Miss Pollard s farm to purchase a pet. The selected a white, fuzzy kitten, and willing paid $150 for it. But this was only a kitten. Soft-eyed, princely Omar II is valued by his mistress at $1500; for Purity, winner of forty-seven prizes and half a dozen silver cups, Miss Pollard says she would refuse $2000.

At present there are nearly three-score cats of high degree at the West End farm, which includes about three acres. They are cared for as tenderly as though they were children of royal household. In the centre of the farm stands the handsome villa of the owner, surrounded by well-kept lawns and willow woods. A pretty little stream sparkles and splashes its way through the place. During good weather and in the summer the inmates of the Omar Cattery, as Miss Pollard calls her farm, are permitted to run about the fields, which are surrounded by a high fence of meshed wire. Wire screens also divide the place into separate fields, or runways, something like those of a chicken farm, in order to keep different companies of cats to themselves.

At night after a day in the fields the cats are groomed, bathed and placed in their luxurious cages to remain until the next morning. During the winter they receive much more care. Housed in a long building in the rear of the owner s villa, each cat has its own private apartment. While some are confined to their especial boudoirs, others are allowed the privileges of a promenade running through the home. When a cat catches cold the doctor is summoned at once, and the invalid receives the most careful attention. The air in the room must be tempered to suit the individual cats; their food is measured scrupulously, and, in the winter, they are thoroughly massaged every day.

The breeding of aristocratic cats in this country is comparatively new as an industry. There are only one or two such farms in America. It had its origin in England. Queen Victoria was a lover of cats and had a cattery to which she gave considerable of her attention. Queen Wilhelmina, of the Netherlands, is also a lover of the animals, and some of the treasures now at the Omar Cattery trace their lineage back to the first cats in this Queen s establishment.

The Omar Cattery was started about six years ago. The first purchase was a little black male kitten with white markings on the face and feet. Its parents were immigrants to this country, and had been reared by a sister of William Faversham, the actor, coming here from England. A year later Sylvia was purchased. She was a shaded silver cat, very highly bred. The profit from the sale of kittens led to the purchase of Omar, a chinchilla cat with a pedigree of considerable length and depth of blue. This was said to be the highest-priced cat of its time, its value being $800. It was a son of St. Aothony and Springfield Puff, with a lineage which could be traced back six whole cat generations. Miss Pollard then began to import cats in larger numbers. She brought to this country Daphne, Lorraine of the Gables and another of the silver variety. These importation were not successful. All but one failed to become acclimated and died. Since then, Miss Pollard has been devoting her energies to rearing white cats only.

A rich woman in England owned what was said to be the finest white cat in the world. It was valued at $800. Miss Pollard cabled to England, offering $1000, and secured the prize. This cat, Purity, has won forty-seven prizes and half a dozen silver cups. In all shows held so far she has carried off the laurels for being the best white cat shown. Each of her kittens bring from $100 to $200. When asked by a wealthy man what she would accept for Purity, Miss Pollard replied; I would not take $2000. She cannot be bought. At one time $1100 was offered, but Miss Pollard refused.

At Rochester, N.Y., Purity captured two first and fifty-five specials; at New York, she was first in the open class, and at the Atlantic City Cat Show she captured the gold medal for being the best cat on exhibition. She has won four challenge cups and 105 specials. Purity has been scored 100 points on many occasions, and that indicates a perfect cat in all points, including color, size, form, size and shape of head, eyes, whether blue or yellow, or one of each color, and texture of fur. One of this cat s prize-winning kittens is Whute Monk, which captured the first novice, New York Cat Show in 1895; the first open and silver cup at Rochester, N.Y., in 1905, and numerous others. One of the kittens of Puritana, a daughter of Purity, sold recently for $205.

Omar died after catching cold, but another cat of even more value was procured, and is known as Omar II. It is valued at $1500, and is of the silver variety of chinchillas. It has captured three challenge cups already and is not more than 2 years old. Miss Pollard believes that there is money to be made in cats. In telling about her success she said: The best way to start is to purchase a kitten q0 to 14 weeks old, as the price at that age will not be more than $200. If care is taken in providing a suitable mate, with advantageous blood lines, points and color the best results will ensue. The first lots of kittens will bring anywhere from $500 to $1000, which will more than pay for the investment and leave a profit.

When one is not limited to expense a good queen a year old should be procured. She will cost between $75 and $150. I have one queen whose progeny has netted me over $1000, and she is still in her prime. The demand is for the best cats. Those who are looking for bargain sales will get only what they pay for, with a big premium for the experience. It is a most engaging business, very profitable and with plenty of room for beginners to make a success, if they start right. With inferior stock, the breeding of long-haired Persian cats is an impossibility. With good stock, fine Persian cats can be raised, and it is for these that there is a demand. Raising cats is like rearing children. One must understand the cat thoroughly, and it is a most interesting study. Because there is a demand for high-class cats the prices are kept up, and the finer the specimens, the higher the price.

Breeding of long-haired cats in England is one of the fads of royalty. Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein has a cattery at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park, which is headed by Puck III, a chinchilla. Puck has been entered by Princess Victoria in the National Cat Show of England. The Duchess of Bedford is the president of this cat association and is also an enthusiast in raising the animals.

Some of the importations which Miss Pollard has on her farm include rare cats from Persia, England and some from China. Among the earliest of the importations was a cat from Tibet which had a split nose. This animal has since been sold at a price which is considered a record-breaker in the cat market. It was purchased by Lady McLaren [Morrison], of Kepwich Park, London, England, for $2,300.

CAT SHOW NEWS - The Washington Post, 25th July, 1906
Mrs. C. G. Snow, a member of the Beresford Club, an owner and lover of pedigreed cats, who never exhibits, however, was much pleased at the first prize and two specials won by Peter Pan at the Chicago cat show. Peter is the short-haired, large, white cat, with deep blue eyes and a romantic history. He was discovered some time ago wandering through one of the down-town office buildings and was fed for several days by a young woman working there. Being unable to offer him a home, she appealed to Mrs. Snow, who, after watching the newspapers some time for a possible claimant, gave him shelter in her house. She finally gave him to a young couple who promised to bestow great affection on him. Although they had no proof that Peter was of noble ancestry, they fully determined that his blood was of the bluest. Consequently, they entered him in the cat show and were not surprised at his being a prize-winner.

Mrs. Clinton Locke, although tired after three days strenuous work at the Chicago cat show, was delighted at its great success. She appeared on the first day decorated with the numerous medals which her feline pets have won in former exhibitions. On the second day she concluded to leave them at home, as, although pretty, they are somewhat cumbersome. Probably, too, her, well-known tact prompted the idea that they might create envy in the hearts of less fortunate women.

Mrs. Locke had not been long at the show when a special messenger arrived with all her decorations carefully packed in a box, including a handsome miniature of a highly prized tabby; a silver kitten, two inches in length, studded with gems, and a smaller bejeweled cat presented to her by an English fancier. A few minutes later Mrs. Locke was called up by her domestic, Sarah, who has been in her service fourteen years, and who wanted to know whether the box had reached her. Sarah was sure her mistress would be bitterly disappointed at having forgotten her prize ribbons and medals.

[LOS ANGELES] UNIQUE CLUB STARTS - Los Angeles Herald, August 15, 1906
A new club has been started with a unique object as its basis. Its members, which now number sixty, have been organized to hold a cat exhibit every year. For the next year they have selected the following officers: President, Mrs. Leland Norton; vice presidents, Mrs. Fred Maier and Mrs. N. Rogers Stone; vice president, Pasadena and Altadena, Mrs. George E. Meharry; vice president, San Bernardino, Mrs. Edwin Dunham; vice president, San Diego, Mrs. C. Hinsdale; vice president, Covina, Mrs. Carrie Preston; vice president, Pomona, Mrs. M. A. Strong; vice president, San Francisco, Mrs. W. B. Leonard; vice president, San Jose, Mrs. H. Stockton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ruby W. Searle; secretary, J. W. Searle.

BABY MEMBER ADMITTED. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stoddard's Son, Four Weeks old, Joins Club – Marie Stuart, an Actress, and Thirteen Others Become Members.
Because of its interest in the stray cat and the publicity it has been given in papers in different parts of the country, the Lockehaven Cat Club has become known far and near. Its fame has reached the island of Cuba. Miss Jeannette Ryder, of Havana, recently wrote to Charlies H. Jones, editor of the Cat Journal, saying that she would not only like to become a member of the club, but wanted to organize a branch of it in Havana. This letter was read yesterday afternoon at the August meeting of the club, held at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, No. 42 Greig street. The club instructed the secretary to send the by-laws and other desired information to Miss Ryder, for use in forming the branch organization.

The club's efforts to eliminate the stray cat and the method it has suggested for doing this was evidently what aroused the woman's interest. She said in her letter that stray cats and other animals were left to die in all sorts of places in Havana, and she inclosed photographs of forlorn cats that tended to confirm this assertion. In her letter she wrote: "I am glad to have an opportunity to join the Lockhaven Cat Club. Its purpose is a most laudable one, and as you say, it strikes at the root of the matter it is attempting to correct. I shall never rest until we have a similar club in Havana. Havana's need is imperative. If you should be successful in getting the laws passed that you propose, why can we not establish a branch club of the Lockhaven here? Of course, I know it means time and work and patience, but all that is worth having in this world means these." Misa Ryder inclosed her membership fee and the dues for one year.

Organization of Cat Lovers. It is a fact that the Lockhaven club is less an organization of fanciers than of cat lovers. It is not the raising of high-bred cats, although it has a number, that has given it its almost national fame, but its incorporation under the laws of New York state and the effort it is making to have the ownership of male cats limited to breeders. ‘The end in view is, of course, the extermination of waifs.

As many as fifteen new members of the club were announced yesterday. Among them is Miss Rosamond Whitney, daughter of Sir Benjamin Whitney, of Brayfort House, Bray county, Wicklow, Ireland. Miss Whitney recently contributed an article to the Cat Journal, of which she is a subscriber. Another new member is Miss Georgiana Kendall, of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, who is known for her opposition to the dissection of live animals for the purpose of scientific experiment. Miss Marie Stuart, an actress, is another woman whose name was given for membership yesterday. She gives New York as her home address. One member has the distinction of extreme youth. He is four weeks old. This addition probably gives the club the youngest member of all cat clubs - Kenneth Stoddard, infant son of Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stoddard, of Clinton avenue south.

New Names on Roll. Other persons who came into the club yesterday were Miss Emma C. Flagler, who is connected with the Humane Society of Auburn; Miss Alice Crocker, of South Yarmouth, Mass.; Mrs. Ina F. Ayers, of Watertown; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tweedie, of Elgin, Ill.; Miss L. B. Pattee, of St. Louis; Mrs. E. A. Fisher, of Marion, O.; Mrs. J. Palm, of Milwaukee; Mrs. Nellie A. Yertan, of Bridgewater, Vt; and Mrs. A. W. Raht, of Henrietta, Tex.

Miss Jane R. Cathcart, of Oradell, N. J. with whom originated the plan for eliminating the stray cat, was at the meeting. She is a member of the club. Miss Cathcart has presented to the club a cup to be given to the owner of the best blue short-haired cat. The cattery which Miss Cathcart conducts at her home in Oradell is, so far as known, the only one in the United States maintained solely for short-haired cats. It is the home of Moumouette, the best blue tortoise-shell in the country: the champion Buster Brown and Judy Bee, the best smokes; the English red tabby champion, male, Bell Bradford, which has never been beaten excepting by Mrs. Mitchelson's Connie, of Tarrifville, Conn. While she has the only cattery, Miss Cathcart is not the only breeder of short-haired cats.

Best Blues in Rochester. "I cannot boast of the best blues, although I have some good ones," said Miss Cathcart. "Mrs. Mary S. Sage, of Rochester, has positively the best blue females in the country."

The cattery conducted by Miss Cathcart, described some months ago, covers an area of not less than seventy-five acres. The cats that live there are the objects of constant care. They are at this time of year fed beef, veal, rabbit and chicken, the kind of meat being changed nearly every day. It is almost always boiled. It has been found that the cats do not like lamb. With their meat the inmates of this cattery have some kind of cereal. Besides thirty of her own cats Miss Cathcart has at present forty boarders: She has made extensive additions to the cattery this season. She has added twelve runs. There are nine kennels with seven outdoor adjoining runs. She has added a new kind of sleeping houses, of two compartments - one for sleeping and the other for eating. Off from the runs are scratching posts and roosts. No sleeping box is used more than a week at a time without being renovated.

CAT MAGAZINES. The Indianapolis News, 3rd September, 1906
You can get books on cats at the book stores. Magazines devoted to the interests of cats are The Cat Review, Dayton, O., and The Cat Journal, Palmyra, N.Y. But almost all periodicals devoted to dogs and pet stock include cats.

NO ROCHESTER CATS AT TORONTO Democrat and Chronicle, 7th September, 1906
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary of the Lockehaven Cat Club, has returned from the Toronto cat show conducted by the Royal Canadian Cat Club in connection with the Toronto fair. She says it was the smallest exhibition that club ever had. Only eight cats were entered by United States fanciers. The relations between the owners of cats in the States and the Canadian club have been especially friendly, but many fanciers, like those of Rochester, were unwilling to send cats to the Toronto show, when the rules under which it was conducted would not permit the gaining of points toward championships. This was the reason none of the blue-blooded cats of this city was sent there. It was thought not worthwhile to pay the expense of sending the pets and at the same time risk them in the strain which showing involves. It has been found, fanciers say, that the higher bred a cat is, the more delicate is its nervous organism.

While the exhibition was in progress the Royal club held a meeting. At this the members decided to join the Cat Fanciers Association, recently formed by societies in the Eastern and Middle states. Affiliated with it are seven clubs, of which the Lockehaven is one. Now that the Canadian club has come into the association, under whose rules the next Toronto show will be conducted, fanciers predict that that show will be larger than any the club has yet held.

Mrs. Brace says that fifteen persons in Chicago, Michigan, Albany and other places have sent in applications for membership in the short-haired cat society recently formed in this city. As the members are widely scattered, meetings will be held only at the time of shows.

OTHER CLUBS SEND FOR CAT CAGES Democrat and Chronicle, 12th September, 1906
At the home of its president, Mrs. Alfred Jackson, No. 143 Meigs street, the Lockehaven Cat Club yesterday afternoon held a largely attended meeting. It was decided to hold an apron sale in October, and that to prepare for it the women members meet every week or two. The sale will be superintended by Mrs Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary for the club. The society will also hold a cooked-food sale, on September 22d. The committee to arrange for it is headed by Mrs. P. T. Luitwieler, who will choose the other members. They will serve a luncheon from 12 to 2 o'clock in connection with the sale.

It was learned that the Agricultural Society of Danbury, Conn., had written to know if it might rent the Lockehaven cages for the cat show it will hold in connection with its annual fair, October 2d to 5th. The Buffalo Oat Club has made the same request for its exhibition in December. The improvement in these cages over the average abode of cats on exhibition has made them in almost constant demands for shows.

On Monday Mrs. Brace, Mrs. Jackson and C.H. Jones, publisher of the Cat Journal, were in Buffalo to attend a meeting of the Buffalo Cat Club, at which were discussed plans for the joint show that that organization and the Lockehaven Club will hold in December. It will be managed by Mrs. Brace, who will go to Buffalo once a week until it comes off.

These new members were admitted to the Lockehaven Club: Mrs. John Mason: Mrs. W.S. Robinson, of Denver, and Mrs. J. N. Smith, of Detroit.

[LOCKEHAVEN CLUB] JENNINGS CATTERY TO BE SOLD Democrat and Chronicle, 25th November, 1906
Home of Cigarette and Other Cats. Preparations for Buffalo Show.
Owing to the fact that Allen B. Jennings, at Huntington Point. Md., has been appointed to a government office on the Isthmus of Panama, Mrs. Jennings, a member of the Lockehaven Cat Club, will be compelled to dispose of the inmates of her fine cattery. The best known of these is Cigarette, a smoke considered the most perfect specimen of his kind in the world. He and nine other blue-blooded cats will have to be sold before Mrs. Jennings joins her husband on the Isthmus, because they cannot stand the warm climate of that country, Cigarette was exhibited in the last cat show held in Rochester. Mrs. Jennings's cats will be in the Atlantic Club's show in New York in January to be sold. There will doubtless be scrambling among members of the Cat Fanciers' Association for Cigarette and others.

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary for the Lockehaven club, who is superintending preparations for the Buffalo show, has been in Buffalo recently. Mrs. Norton, of Canisteo, also a member of the Lockehaven club, will show sixteen pets, among them, Robina, an orange tabby, at present stopping with Miss Fannie Ellis, of Court street. Mrs. Alfred Jackson's three kittens, of which her queen, St. Cecelia, recently became the mother, have been named Silver Heels, Mercury and Lady Lou.

[DETROIT] CAT CLUB HOLDS SALE Detroit Free Press, 28th November, 1906
The rooms on the first floor of the Washington Arcade, formerly occupied by the C. E. Janes Co., were converted into a Japanese fair yesterday, where the Michigan Cat club were holding a sale. A huge orange tree was laden with deceptive fruit, each of which could he plucked at the rate of ten cents. Inside the paper orange was a gift of some sort, and the lucky one had an orange with a diamond ring concealed in its center.

The rooms were filled with tables at which just the sort of things people like to buy at this time of year were for sale. Aprons for every use were sold by Miss Margaret Kearsley; Mrs. W. M. Chapman sold fancy work; a charmingly arranged Japanese bower was one of the chief attractions for the fragrant tea and Jap wafers were dispensed by Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi in imported kimonas. Pictures of some of the most famous tabbies in the world were rapidly sold by Mrs. T. F. Fleming, and at the cake booth, where home made good things were offered. Mrs. J. H. Hamilton and J. N. Smith presided. Painted china was handled by Miss Kathleen Franklin, and a wonderful array of Indian goods were sold by Mrs. Richard Hardy, whose father, Daniel E. Soper, brought them from the Indian reservations in the west. The club will hold a big cat show in the Light Guard armory, December 7, 8 and 9.

[CHICAGO] DECEMBER LAWN PARTY - The Inter Ocean, December 10, 1906
A gift Shop Sale will be held by the Beresford club of which Mrs. Clinton Locke is president,, tomorrow and Wednesday, all day and at night, at the home of Mrs. Bartlett Kean, 2331 Indiana avenue. An original feature of the bazaar are banners aptly describing various exhibits with due regard to the vital question of the day. The next affair to be given by this club will be an indoor lawn party, Saturday night, at which straw hats and ducks will be an essential part of the costume of guests.

CHAMPIONSHIP FOR LADY GENTIAN Lady Gentian, a blue Persian cat owned by Mrs. Elizabeth. L. Brace, has won a championship, her last points being gained at the recent show in Stamford, Conn. Not only was she the best blue cat in the exhibition, but she was judged the second best female, ranking next to Puritana, the beautiful white cat that was greatly admired when shown in Rochester at the Lockehaven club s last exhibition. Lady Gentian's is the first championship to be granted by the new Cat Fanciers' Association, and she is the first of the famous Osiris s five kittens to receive such an honor. After one more appearance, which will be in the Michigan show to be held this winter in Detroit, she will be retired, her owner being desirous that, after gaining a championship, he should lead a distinctively domestic life.

Tomorrow night Mrs. Brace, who returned from Stamford on Saturday night, will leave for New York, to take Miss Cathcart s cats to the Atlantic club's show in New York. Mrs. Alfred Jackson and C. H. Jones, editor of the Cat Journal, will also attend. Mrs. Jackson will exhibit Princess Pearl, a smoke; Angela, a white, and Lady Joy Fawe, a black. Mr. Jones will show Hon Peter Sterling, but he will not be entered for contest. Mrs Mary S. Sage will send Peterkin, a Russian blue, and Fiametta to Detroit.

[CHICAGO] THE CAT SHOW FROM THE CAT'S POINT OF VIEW (The Inter Ocean, January 13th, 1907).
[This begins in a twee manner, but has some information on the Beresford Cat Club]

Mrs. Clinton Locke, president of the Beresford Cat Club of America, which has conducted a feline exhibition in Chicago annually for the last six years, announces an entry list that exceeds in numbers and quality all previous exhibitions. The Beresford club is the oldest, largest, and most influential cat organisation in the world, said Mrs. Locke yesterday. The membership numbers several hundred, and includes such well known personages as Mme. Henriette Ronner of Belgium and Louis Wain of Westgate-on-the-Sea, England, famous cat artists. The club is named after Lady Marcus Beresford, who founded the cat fancy in England. Miss Frances Simpson of England, Miss Helen Winslow of Boston, and Miss Agnes Repplier of Philadelphia, each of whom has written a book on the cat, are members of the Beresford club. New Zealand has representation in F. J. Niall, who resides at Hawera.

Mrs. Locke, who founded the cat fancy In America, is the only American who la a member of the National Cat Club of England. The Beresford is the only club which has a complete set of the National Cat club stud books, and also a set of Lady Marcus Beresford s organization, the Cat Club of England, which is now no longer In existence. Among the cat classes to be judged by H. F. Vidal and Dr. C. A. White at the coming show are those for long haired champions, sweepstake, novices, senior kittens, junior kittens, and short haired champions and kittens. A class open to the world will be that in which long haired white cats will compete for the Jungfrau challenge cup, presented by Mrs. Josiah Cratty of Oak Park. This is a trophy which must be won three times by the same exhibitor. Each year the winner's name and score is engraved on the trophy. Another important trophy is that offered by the Lockehaven Cat club for the champion cat of the show. This trophy becomes the property of the owner of a cat which wins for the third time.

The officers of the Beresford club this year are:
President Mrs. Clinton Locke.
First Vice President Mrs. Charles Hampton Lane.
Second Vice President Mrs. Josiah Cratty.
Treasurer Mrs. Elwood H. Tolman.
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Elbert E. Besse.
Recording Secretory Miss Lucy C. Johnstone.
Directors Miss Louise L. Fergus, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Mrs. A. H. L Hommedieu, Mrs. Louise Read, and Mrs. C. G. Snow.

The Committee.
Mrs. C. H. Lane will officiate as manager of the cat department of the exhibition.
Mrs. Lane will be assisted by the following committees:

Show Mrs. Clinton Locke, Mrs. J. H. Bixby. Mrs. W. E. Colburn, Mrs. Josiah Cratty, Mrs. Victor Falkenau, Mrs. Ava L Pollard.
Committee on Allotment and Transportation Mrs. E. B. Besse, Miss Bessie Saul, Mrs. A. H. Baker. Mrs. C. G. Snow. Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Mrs. Percy A. Wattles.
Committee on Tearoom Miss Louise Fergus and Mrs. A. H. L Hommedieu.
Committee on Sale of Cats Mrs. F. A. Howe.
Committee on Feeding Cats - Mrs. Howard Alton, Mrs. Hugh E. King, Mrs. Bartlett Keen, Mrs. C. G. Snow, and Mrs. J. G. Lewis.
Show Secretary Miss Lucy C. Johnstone.
Show Treasurers Mrs. Elwood H. Tolman and Mrs. Louise Read.
Judges H. F. Vidal and Dr. C. A. White.
Veterinary Surgeon Dr. C. A. White.

PAMPERED PETS. Dundee Evening Telegraph, 30th April 1907
An evidence of the prevalence of extravagant fads among the rich in the United States comes from Cleveland, Ohio. There is cat club there, the members of which are mainly the richest and smartest people in the State. The latest development is that the Club has engaged a manicurist to attend the feline pets of its "swell' patrons.

The very prolonged spring weather in Toronto did some good at least, as the cats wherever visited showed remarkable conditions of coat and vigor for this time of year. It is to be hoped that the sudden return to real summer weather will not take any of the gilt off, as I believe the Exhibition authorities are promising a greater than ever at the show this year, with a list of specials which even some weeks ago had exceeded the hundred mark. We had a chat with Miss Gourlie and Mr. Kent, whom many of our American cousins, who have tasted of his hospitality and admired for his genial manner and whole-hearted spirit, will regret that he is no longer chairman of the Cal Show Committee, though they will all with one accord wish him long life and success as vice-president of the whole Exhibition. Miss Gourlie, as usual, is working night and day and filling the shoes of our confrere, Dr. A. W. Bell, whose career in Winnipeg we are all following with much delight.

The show first. And now to our real piece de resistance - the cat. Scarcely on land again, so to speak, but we fairly took wings in the direction of our Toronto friends (and oh! how good they were). A few hours saw us at the door of Miss Lowe's pretty home on Albany avenue, where we found her Princess Charlotte going into ecstasies over wo lovely brown babies, a credit not only to their mother but their mistress, who is devoted to them. The kittens have lovely coats, and should be in splendid form by the end of August. Miss Lowe has a good young tabby queen of about nine or ten months old in Sophie. Her shape and brush quite a wonder to behold.

Mrs. Shanly of Wilcox street, a newcomer into the fancy this year, has a gorgeous family of six, by her orange tabby Winnie and Miss Cox s Patsy. The latter seems to have been in great demand this spring, and large litters seem to follow in his train. Mrs. Dr. Noble of Gerrard street has four brown tabby kittens sired by him, and Mrs. Cowan of Huron street also four - all in splendid feather, and will no doubt be heard from later.

Speaking of Patsy, who for some unaccountable and mysterious reason was put in the grey tabby class at the winter show after being properly entered in his right class; Miss Cox has now obtained full control of him and will enter him under the Meath standard from now on. He is a splendid fellow, big bones, good color and well marked - his brush a delight to the eye.

At Meath Cattery we saw one of the most amusing sights of the year. Shunia, the lovely white queen, must have heard of Mrs. Grundy and they say relegating her to the ranks of spinsterhood, as she has thrown down the gauntlet in the shape of two bouncing babies, and her devoted spouse, Meath Rhino, is earnestly assisting in the arduous duties of rearing the offspring. It was the funniest sight to see the two big white creatures and the fluffy little ones all in a bundle in one big box, the babies cuddling up to and being fairly laundried by father and mother in turn. The blue queen Mitcham Tiddle is in perfect condition, and though bred to Dr. Niven s King Edward, had lost none of her coat when I saw her. Ali the other Meath cats were in splendid shape, and there are some fine kittens which, if not sold beforehand, will be seen at the show and heard from too, I fancy. From gay to grave at Meath, when I tell you of the straying away from his country home of Miss Cox s imported orange stud Rokeles Roux some weeks ago, and of the futile search which has been made for him, you will realize how severe a loss Miss Cox has sustained. The people who saw this cat at the winter show did not see him in form at all. He is (I hope not was) worthy of his progenitors the Prince of Thanet-Sussex, True Blue and Patrick Blue, etc. By the way, noticing the blue names has reminded me of a weird little kitten I stumbled on while with Miss Cox. It was a composite arrangement of cream and very light blue, a mass of fluff - and points - with capital letters, the result of an experimental mating of Mitcham Tiddle and Rokeles Roux. Fortunately Miss Ritchings, Orton, orange queen, Girlie was also bred to Roux and a splendid litter of four orange kittens are being held in reserve till all hope of the sire s return has been abandoned.

Another recent acquisition to the ranks of Toronto cat society is Beauty, a pale silver tabby male with gorgeous green eyes, imported by Mrs. W. F. Fortune. His disposition is as perfect as his make-up, and as he comes from a line of English prize-winners he should make someone sit up if properly handled at our coming shows. His sire was Fighting Mack, first and Special Crystal Palace, 1901, and V.H.C, 1902, and his dam Lady Baltimore, 1902. As the well-known Lord Southampton and most of the best silver blood in England figures in his pedigree, Mrs. Fortune is to be congratulated in bringing him out in such splendid shape. Beauty is a young cat, and was only put to service recently. His first get, being three very promising youngsters by Mrs. Arthur Robinson s Silver Spray, whose sire Radium - was bred by Mrs. Champion. These kittens should hold up their heads in future show rings, as few cats in Canada can lay claim to such aristocratic connection as the well-known Silver Lambkin and Lord Southampton all in one breath.

It seems to me that after a period of inanition in Canadian Catdom a sudden stir has been felt, and I got wind of several surprises for the fancy in the near future. Imports are being made, and keen search is kept in England for just the right cat for well known breeders, and if all goes well a roseate future is in store for someone. It struck me that the people who talked the least made the least fuss about their stock, etc. - were the ones who were quietly forging ahead, branching out and improving in every direction.

Won't everyone rejoice to hear that Mrs. Malloch will return to Toronto at an early date. She has been the bone and sinew of everything catty in Canada for so many years that her place has been unfillable, and one can imagine the many glad hands of welcome which will be stretched out in greeting when she is home once more.

Let us tell you of one of our latest arrivals at Mrs. Thomas beautiful home at Cumming s Bridge, a keen fancier, and naturally a believer in the best that can be had. She has, after a long search, secured a perfect mate for the blue queen purchased from Miss Cox last fall. The recent importation is a young male, bred by Miss Denton of Thornton Heath, Surrey, England, a well-known breeder. It was sired by Blue San Toye, ex-Rockholt Beryl. Its grandsires, Peter of Tovil, and Patrick Blue, and so on down a line of Blues to conjure with. I hope to send news of wonderful success from the banks of the Rideau, because the gods which look after catty affairs should be good to Mrs. Cummings. She is one of our invincibles. Here's success to her! the new arrival - lots of visitors and whisper low - cash!

Beginning with the Exhibition show, I ll be like the clergyman and his text - end with it. We are to have an innovation in the shape of a lady to judge, and I'm sure everyone here feels that we are to be congratulated in securing the services of Miss Champion. What we have always wanted most was a fair field and no favor, and, as Miss Champion is a stranger to most, if not all, of our Canadian cats and people, we can look for a splendid contest on merit alone. Cat breeding is a sport pure and simple - a hobby if you like it better - but we must all learn to take our defeats like men and rise the better for it. I wonder to how many of the show people has come a time when in their secret hearts they would rather have been beaten than take a ribbon which meant little glory to them and much discomfort. What value to us is a souvenir spoon or anything on a list of specials, if we feel the loss of half a dozen so-called friends. The truest sport I ever met, as well as the womanliest woman, is Miss Cottle of Kingston, who, unhappily, has retired from the fancy. Win or lose, she was always serene and ready to get back at things next year.

CONCERNING THE CAT SHOWToronto Saturday Night, 20th July 1907
In your issue of July 13 appears an article High Bred Cats, by an expert signed Benedicta. One would naturally expect an expert s opinion to be unassailable. As a matter of fact there are several wilfully glaring errors. To reduce the value of this article to a minimum I will mention one. Benedicta states that for some unaccountable and mysterious reason Patsy was put in the grey tabby class, after being properly entered in the right class. How easy it is to conceive and write an impossibility. There was not a long-haired grey tabby class at out winter show. The judge s book is before me as I write and the award is third in the brown tabby class. Then why was the article written? Just a spirit of animosity. The article is most unfair to the officers and members of the Royal Canadian Cat Club, particularly in criticizing our judges. A fair field and no favors is wanted according to Benedicta, who along with others cannot see or realize when they are beaten of learn to take defeat gracefully. Trusting that I haven t taken up too much space in your valuable paper. Believe me, Yours very truly, Edith L. Bell, Secretary, R.C.C.C.

TO BUILD SUMMER HOME FOR ARISTOCRATIC CATS The Olustee Democrat, 2nd August 1907
A large number of prominent society women here have banded together to provide a suitable and attractive home for cats. It is intended to purchase a tract of land and build a handsome home if possible - if not, a house fitted for the purpose will be bought – to be fitted up as a boarding house for handsome and expensive cats belonging to persons who regularly leave the city and must take their pets along. Among those promoting the scheme are Mme. Eleanore de Remusat Guys, Miss Mary A. Peet, Miss Mathile Townsend, Mrs. Larz Anderson, Mrs. A.L. Barber, Miss Mary Robinson, Mrs. Austin, Mrs.???ouse, Mrs. Selberg, Mrs. Henry L. West, the last named being president of the Cat club. The wife of Justice Harlan, who owns three handsome Maltese cats worth $1,000 each, is also greatly interested.

Miss Robinson says she was compelled to stay at home all last summer because she had no place at which to board her six cats, all shorthaired, to which she is greatly attached. The previous summer she put them out to board while she passed six months in California, but the one place available at that time has since been closed. Many other women interested have carried their pets on long trips rather than leave them behind to be neglected.

Several Members at August Meeting Promise to Help Maintain Proposed Refuge for Stray Cats. Bunches of Catnip Are Sold.

For some years the Lockehaven Cat Club has wanted to establish a home for stray cats. This ambition has not been realized, because of financial burdens the club has carried, such as the debt for its expensive cages, some of the finest in the country. Homeless cats may take courage now, for at the August meeting, held yesterday in Genesee Valley Park, the fund for a refuge was started. One of the members, Mrs. Florence Ellis Brockway, brought five bunches of catnip, which sold for 10 cents each. The receipts from the sale of this catnip were the first money for the proposed home. When the fund had been started, nearly all present pledged to give sums each month to support this home. They will begin at once, and what they pay will be placed on deposit until there is enough to start the cattery. After that, the payments will be used for the running expenses. A separate treasurer for the fund was appointed, and the money will be put in another bank from that where the regular club funds are kept. Mrs. L. B. Somerby will have charge of it. As soon as there is enough to warrant starting it, the home will be established, even though it may be small. At this place desirable cats will be kept until homes are found and the others will be humanely destroyed.

Catnip was not the only donation for the proposed Institution. A fluffy kitten of mixed ancestry will be sold by Mrs. Brockway, who promises to contribute all that the cat, Colonel Gargas, will bring. This half-breed!s a son of Quexie, a beautiful Persian, and Matilda Jane, whose pedigree is clouded. Colonel Gargas is a handsome kitten.

It is considered an excellent start toward the refuge to have assured $8 a month, which is a good subscription in view of the small number present at the meeting. Many of the members are out of the city. It was reported that a large number of donations is promised.

These new members were received: Mrs. J. C. Davenport, Mrs. Edward Gallipeau, both of this city, Mrs. Helen Castro, superintendent of the City Hospital of Pittston. Pa., and Miss Ada L. Murray, an artist, of New York. Miss Murray!s spending the summer with Mrs. A. W. Shufelt, of Sodus Point, and both were guests of the club.

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary of the club, has returned from a three weeks’ stay in Oradell, N. J., spent at the cattery of Miss Jane R, Cathcart, of which she had charge in the owner's absence. While there, Mrs. Brace purchased a beautiful silver short-haired cat, offspring [of] Champion Silver Stripes
and Champion Dame Fortune II. Mrs. Brace has named her cat Genesee Valley Jane and has had her registered by the American Cat Association. Her cats are of the Genesee Valley Cattery.

ONLY 9 MONTHS OLD, BUT IS A CHAMPION Democrat and Chronicle, 18th January, 1909
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, who returned on Saturday from the Boston Cat Club s show, will leave to-night for Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she will take fifteen of Miss Jane R. Cathcart s cats and some of her own, to exhibit in the Michigan Club show on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

When Mrs. Brace got back from Boston she brought her shaded silver Genesee Valley June, laden with honors. This little cat won her Championship in Boston, at the age of nine months, which makes her the youngest champion in America. She was best short-haired cat in the show and also best kitten. She won a gold-lined silver cup offered by the Syracuse Club, for the cat which should three times be best short-haired in a show. She got her wins in Chicago, Syracuse and Boston. She also won eighteen specials in Boston. Mrs Brace took eleven of Miss Cathcart s cats to Boston, all of which won first prizes, and Mrs. Mary Sage s Russian blue, Peterkin, which took a first prize and two specials.

Cedric Errol, a brown tabby Persian, bred by Mrs. Brace, and later sold to Mrs. Mildred M. Hofstetter, of Smigari, Ont., won first and had three wins on challenge cups.

Mrs. Brace took to Boston The Duchess, a Siamese cat that Miss Cathcart recently imported from Siam at large expense. This pretty creature is so valuable and tender that Mrs. Brace took her in a cage with Genesee Valley Jane, made for carrying by hand. In this they went in the Pullman cars. They scarcely made a murmur while on the trains. The Duchess, who came to Rochester about January 1st, is a fawn color with ears, tail, legs and mask of seal brown. Her eyes are blue.

The Boston show was large and successful. The Syracuse show, in which were 270 entries, it is said, still holds the record for being the largest yet held in this country.

Mrs. C. J. Browning has entered three cats in the Michigan Club s show; Mrs F. H. Dennis, Cedric, and Mrs. Sage, Peterkin. Genesee Valley Jane will be taken to contest for fresh laurels. After the show Mrs. Brace will remain in Grand Rapids as the guest of Mrs. H.G. Dykhouse, leaving there on Sunday for Cleveland to attend the show that the Cleveland fanciers will hold on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

[MAINE] WOMAN’S LIFE IN THE WOODS The Boston Globe, 21st March, 1909
Mrs Abigail Boyd, who Was a Biddeford Girl, is the Wife of a Lumber Mill Operator – Likes Camp Life – Cooks for the Men and Keeps Cats.

"I married seven years ago and started for the woods," smilingly said Mrs Abigail Boyd, wife of Fred T. Boyd, a lumber mill operator, to a Globe reporter, recently, in her camp among the pines not far from the B & M RR station, Farmington, N.H. "I find the life enjoyable in many ways, and it is not so lonesome as one might suppose. We remain in camp from eight to ten months of the year. In midsummer we go to our home in Berwick, Me., a farm we bought immediately after our marriage. I always have a longing, when warm weather comes, to get back to the farm, but when, later, it is time to resume operations in the woods, I am glad to return to the forests." Thus did Mrs Boyd express herself on the subject of living in a portable lumber camp and aiding her husband in its management.

[. . .] She finds time for the interesting diversion of maintaining a colony of thoroughbred angora cats. These silky furred pets are kept with a few fine specimens of the common gray tiger and yellow and white cats, in a spacious and well-lighted house built expressly for them at the rear of the camp. It is an 8 x 20 foot structure, arranged for separating the cat families, yet avoiding a shut-in appearance by a liberal use of wire netting. It Is heated by a coal stove, and is kept as comfortable as a human dwelling. There are shelves, feed benches and nesting boxes, the latter placed high and low, the high ones being reached by cats’ ladders. In an anteroom, with a corridor extending the length of the building, a magnificent 3 year-old tiger [tabby cat] is kept. Mrs Boyd calls him her policeman, as he seems to maintain guard over the cattery. Mrs Boyd became interested in cats four years ago, when her sister, Mrs George Bennett of Biddeford. gave her an angora kitten, "Tommy Doe." His parents were registered. Mrs Boyd obtained a mate and angoras were raised. Her eight cats, including a blind angora, which she allows the run of the camp, are fed a pound of raw steak and a quart of milk a day, and once a week they are given a yeast cake, which they greatly relish. A cow Is kept to supply milk for the cats, the surplus being used in the camp. The Boyds move their camp from town to town, following the timber-lot contracts. The painted portion of the dwelling, which is fitted up cozily like a cottage, is moved intact, the rest in sections.

San Francisco. The Western Cat Review, a Journal devoted to the doings of pedigreed cats and, incidentally, their owners, has made Its initial appearance under the editorial direction of H. C. Hinds of 1672 Haight street. The paper is intended to encourage cat fancying on the Pacific coast and it thoroughly covers the subject. The success of the cat show held here in February indicated that there was a decided interest in the furry felines, and the Cat Review aims to appeal to all who are cat fanciers.

Editorially, the paper says: "The cat fancy has passed the stage of faddism on the Pacific coast, and in donning the garb of commercialism there comes the natural demand for a paper in which the many high bred cats of the west may voice their claims to superiority and attract to themselves that public attention which they so richly deserve. Hence the reason for the Western Cat Review. The Review is unique In one feature as it records punctilliously the social diversions of the cats of high degree.

Los Angeles Herald, May 30, 1909

Mrs. Edwin Dunham of West Twenty-third street entertained members of the Los Angeles Cat club at a luncheon and musicale yesterday. At the conclusion of the program a business

meeting was held to discuss ways and means for the next cat show. Members of the club formed a working league for the promotion of better shows, which will meet every alternate Wednesday during the summer. Hostesses and their guests included Mrs. E. T. Carter, acting president in the absence of Mrs. C. D. Weston, who is visiting in Seattle; Mrs. Col. Edward Dunham, vice president: Mrs. J. F. Henderson, treasurer; Mrs. E. T. Kidwell, corresponding secretary; Mrs. H. E. A. Lovell, recording secretary, and Mrs. H. A. Sterns of Pasadena, Mrs. Howard Edey of Helena, Mont.; Mrs. Miles Dyer, Mrs. Ray Sterry, Mrs. Mary Wishmeyer. Mrs. P. R. Ingalls, Mrs. Leland Norton and Miss Mary Dalrymple.

INDIANA WOMAN PAYS $525 FOR FINE CAT. The Star press, Muncie, Indiana, 15th July, 1909 (and others)
Mrs. George Lynas, of Logansport, Gives Large Sum for a Tabby in London.
London July 14. What is believed to be the highest price ever paid here for a domestic cat names $525 was given by Mrs. George Lynas, of Logansport, Ind., for Rob Roy II, England s champion male chinchilla Persian cat and the winner of numerous prizes. The animal will be sent to the United States soon by steamer [the steamer Majestic]. Mrs Lynas is the possessor of a number of high-pedigreed Persian and silver Persian cats. She is said to have negotiated the purchase of Rob Roy II through Miss Frances Simpson, and international cat fancier who lives in England. Mrs. Lynas has exhibited her cats at the Chicago, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis and other cat shows and has won numerous prizes.

Rob Roy II, England s champion male chinchilla Persian cat, purchased by Mrs. George Lynas of Logansport, Ind., for $525, is believed to be the most valuable cat ever imported to this country. The cat is from Arrondale, a noted winner in England. He is the only champion male chinchilla recognised by the National Cat Club of England. During the years the National Cat Club has been in existence only three chinchillas have qualified in England for this title, the other two being Queens, and one of them is now dead. Rob Roy II has a coat almost white, but with the lavender tint of this sire, and has emerald eyes and tiny ears. He won first and special prizes at Birmingham in 1907; first, championship and special prizes at the Botanic Show in 1908; first, open, and specials at Crystal Palace, London, in 1908, and also received prizes at Steyning, England, in 1908. An enlarged photograph of Rob Roy II is to be presented to the Queen of England at Windsor.

Abilene Daily Chronicle, 8th November, 1909
Man Sues Woman For Cost of Tunnel Built to Protect Feline.
Detroit, Nov. 8. Silver Bogie was such an aristocratic cat. He wore dark-rimmed, green eyes, which gave one the shivers when met in the dark. And he was the son of Jack Frost and Al-Tarek, both high-bred cultured cats, which were never known to associate with dissipated alley cats. Such was part of the description of a cat which caused three lovers of felines to fall out and come into Justice Teagan s court Saturday afternoon. There were other cats in the case, many of them, but Silver Bogie was the most important. Keito, the cat with the yellow eyes, ran Bogie a close race for limelight honors, but Keito gave up its nine lives without even a veterinary surgeon around to make a post-mortem, and therein Keito was lost to fame and first place into the court records.

A post-mortem on Bogie was made by Dr. Elijah E Patterson, 491 Gratiot avenue. J. H. Hamilton, 71 Charlotte avenue, who was the plaintiff, said that he had not paid the doctor anything for the post-mortem, but that he had paid $4 for the medicine given to the cat, and that the doctor had cut the cat open to see if he had been giving it the right medicine. He said that the doctor told him Bogie swallowed a mouthful of fur, plucked from some cat with which Bogie had fallen out.

Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith of the Forest apartments, Second avenue, said that Silver Bogie had been offered Hamilton as part payment for an airline cat tunnel from their house to the backyard cattery. Hamilton described the tunnel as a chute, about eight feet from the ground and running from the cattery into the side of the house. He said it cost him $45.50 to build it, and that was why he was suing Mrs. Smith. This pneumatic tube was devised to prevent the highbred cats being led astray by the back-fence prowlers.

At the trial three months ago, Smith asserted that the property was his, but that the cattery was Mrs. Smith s, and that he didn t know anything about it. Justice Teagan held at the time of the first suit that Hamilton couldn t sue Smith because the cattery was apart from his business, and this time he decided the plaintiff cannot sue Mrs. Smith because the tube and the cattery are 0n Smith s property.

Mr. Hamilton took Keito as a payment of $15 on the runway, but Keito died, said Smith. Then gave him Silver Bogie, and when Silver Bogie died I felt sorry for him and gave him Tortoise Shell.

She gave me Silver Bogie to mind for her when she went to Chicago to attend the cat show, replied Hamilton. If I liked it I was to keep it, but I had not yet taken ownership of it and was charging Mrs. Smith $1.50 a week for its board. The first night at our house the cat was taken sick. Mrs. Smith had given me some dyspepsia medicine and flaxseed to give it, but I was afraid to give it to Bogie.

Your wife gave Bogie a spoonful of turpentine, said Mrs. Smith.

She did not, she stayed up with our cat all night, and more than one night. She was good to your cat, replied Hamilton, wrathfully.

Then Mrs. Smith flashed the card she had held up her sleeve. It was The Cat Review, a publication for cat devotees. Therein was an ad signed by Mrs. Hamilton, setting forth the merits of Silver Bogie. It tended to show that the Hamiltons are claiming ownership to Silver Bogie and that Bogie had been accepted for the labor and materials of putting up the shoot the chutes arrangements.

No cause for action, said Justice Teagan, as he bolted from the room.

Interest in cats and dogs has increased at such a rate in Pittsburg that a hospital has been opened fer their care and treatment. In the event of any of the aristocratic cats which will be exhibited at Old City Hall, Tuesday, November 30 and December 1 and 2 taking ill, they will be hustled off to the hospital in short order, which is situated at No. 6023 Station street, and of which Dr. Edward Martin, a veterinary surgeon, is at the head.

Household pets require close attention and clean surroundings. and if there is any laxity in this respect, they become ill. Some of the felines. which will be exhibited at the show of the Pittsburg Cat Club, are used to the same kind of treatment as humans and when any symptom of illness makes its appearance, the cats are promptly hustled to the veterinary surgeon. Great care must be accorded them, because some cost fortunes. Cat fanciers frequently pay $100 to $300 for s cat of their favorite breed and there will be many at the Pittsburg show which cost more than this sum. As much as $2,000 has been paid for a cat, but this latter price was only paid once, s far as known.

At at the Pittsburg show will be Rob Roy of England, a champion Chinchilla, for which the owner. Mrs. George H. Lynas, of Logansport. Ind., paid 525. This cat - probably one of the best of its breed in the world - will arrive in Pittsburg Sunday morning. Some or the women fanciers who will exhibit breeds have many thousands of dollars invested in the felines, and especially is this true of Miss Jane Cathcart. of Oradell, N. J., who maintains a cattery. She has a splendid building, built especially for their care and comfort and maintains it at considerable expense. She is a great friend of this household pet and one of the best authorities on cats in America.


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